Sunday, January 1, 2012

Prediction Personal Investments 2012 - Many people hope offered by Indonesia in 2012. One is the improvement of Indonesia's economy in the next year. "In a meeting with Commission XI some time ago, the government gave a positive signal about economic growth in Indonesia due to an increased demand for domestic products," said an expert financial planner Aidil Akbar Madjid, MBA in outlook 2012 AFC exposure Financial Check Up.

Although Indonesia's economy is predicted to slowly strengthen, but it seems in terms of personal investment you need to remain cautious. Akbar following the advice given to private investment in 2012:

1. Investment in property. If banks continue its commitment to lower interest rates including the interest rate mortgage loan, it can be said that the investment property has a great opportunity and good in 2012. In fact, this property is estimated that the business will go up even higher. "But be careful with the price is high enough," he wrote. In big cities like Jakarta, apartments at a price below USD 800 million, Flats Property or Rusunami (subsidized apartments) can be used as an alternative to long-term investments are profitable.

2. Investment precious metals is not very profitable. If the conditions of the Middle East heats up, then world oil prices will rise in line with rising world gold prices. But this will not be too influential on the price of precious metals because of the exchange rate of dollar to rupiah weakened. If this condition is reversed course in which the dollar strengthened and the crisis in the Middle East and re-heated, then this precious metal investment will be excellent. Precious metals can be selected, among others, in the form of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings or gold bullion.

3. Equity investments. If you are interested to invest in a variety of things a bit challenging, it would not hurt to invest in stocks. If the investment grade increased, the flow of foreign funds will go even more and one of them entered the stock exchange. This will push the stock exchange to crawl up and through high level as in early 2011 and then, obviously Akbar.

With a controlled inflation and low interest rates, bonds will be much coveted by financial institutions and companies. SUN, ORI, Retail Sukuk Sukuk and can also be considered for an investment option other than Fixed Income Mutual Funds. "Stocks still gives a pretty good potential in 2012," he explained.

4. Investment securities. With the limitation of the number of credit cards and loans, banks have access to funds that have not been channeled. If funds can not be used for consumer loans, mortgages, and credit vehicles can be diverted to the possibility of such securities Debt securities and Setifikat State Bank Indonesia (SBI).

5. Short-term investments. For short-term investments should still use banking products and precious metals. Its primary focus is to raise funds and hold before the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) moved up. After JCI rising, you should invest in the stock market.

Note Akbar others are wary about investing in some type of insurance or unit-linked investments that will mature in 2012 (10 years from its launch in 2002). "If it turns out unsatisfactory investment returns, after deductions and other expenses, can lead to disappointment and even complain. So you should be careful with your insurance choice," he advised.

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