Suggestions for Amending the 2010 Health Care Reforms
Now that the teeth gnashing is on-going over proposed changes to the health care reforms of 2010, this article addresses some areas for potential modifications. If any of you are under the delusion that everything will be repealed, wake-up, because the Medicare changes are essential to management of that costly federal entitlement program. I am speaking of the pay-for-performance initiatives where Medicare (Center for Medicare Services) pays more money to organizations which have fewer medical errors and re-admissions for patient procedures. I am referring to the Accountable Care Act will have a major impact on how medical care is organized, models for disease interventions, and the reporting of performance metrics(I wrote about this last fall). So, that stays, but the rest of this article addresses some of the things that could go or at least be modified.
Federal Insurance Purchasing Subsidies for Mandated Health Insurance
A few months ago I did an analysis of the federal insurance purchasing subsidies for the middle-class under the Health Care Affordability Act and it was pretty eye opening. Based on World Bank data the mean income in the United States is $47,240, which is the average income per person using 2009 Gross Nation Income data . Using this average income as a starting point, what kind of a subsidy would someone receive in 2014, when the insurance exchanges are in place and medical insurance is mandated? Families with seven or more children and incomes equal to 133% of the federal poverty rate will receive a federal subsidy equal to 97% of the insurance premiums. This seems fair to me, as that is a modest income for a huge family. However, the federal subsidies also are slated to provide assistance to folks who fall within 400% of the federal poverty level, which can be a very decent income. For example, someone who is single and earns $54,120 is eligible to receive 90.5% of their insurance premium paid for by the federal government. First of all if you are single and have that much income you ought to be able to scrape by. Secondly, this income is higher than most of the world averages and higher than the USA’s average per capita. But it gets worse, based on the 400% of Federal Poverty Level criteria people who earn up to $185,160 are eligible to receive the same federal subsidy if they have at least eight children. Now, I think by anyone’s standards someone with that income, which falls into the top 10% of all incomes in the country, is not poor. I can see giving a subsidy to a family of four with the $54,120 income or even higher, but not over $100,000!
Budget Saving Suggestion
Here is my suggestion, only provide medical insurance subsidies to people who earn up to 150% of the mean national income, which equates to $71,131 and is roughly equivalent to $73,835 for a large family in the federal poverty criteria. For people who want tax subsidies for families earning over $100,000 I say start eating beans or tuna noodle casserole, which I ate a-lot-of as a child.
Possible Places for Federal Budget Cuts
For crying out loud, it would be nice if both parties could focus on the real apocalyptic events for the country, such as the fiscal meltdown from a strong country with reserves to the largest national debt in history in eight short years. The real concern should be reducing the national debt by cutting spending so the country will have to do less begging for financing from China and other creditors. According to the non-profit Kaiser Foundation, 40% of the entire 2010 federal budget was for defense spending. To decrease that by 50%, just cut the discretionary defense spending budget which equals nearly 20% of the entire federal budget, and we can get the country back in fiscal shape in no time. The country needs to find a way to pay for its existing programs, like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and reducing spending on other ones is required.
Of course the Medicare expenses are of concern and the changes to the program in 2010 are a start towards reworking that care model. The USA will move to a Medicare model which provides services for the treatments that are most effective and hopefully pays the physicians a decent fee. There is still much to be done on aligning clinical reimbursement in both the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The latter is very onerous, because the federal government dictates Medicaid benefits but provides grossly uneven support to the states which are charged with administering the program.
Focus on the Real Issues which have significant Cost/Benefit Ratios
It would be nice if the Democrats would quit focusing on who-is-shagging-who or what someone’s sexual orientation is, because I really don’t want them to tell me about it. As long as it isn’t a crime (certain southern states excepted) I don’t need to hear about it and this goes for anyone’s sexual persuasion, I don’t care to hear about your predilections. I prefer to focus on issues we have in common, such as education, health care, and oh, not-going-into-the-poor-house as a nation. Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t care is where I am at in this tired issue.
Republicans, I am tired of having abortion as such a divisive issue and I question whether the paltry amount of federal money that is actually spent on abortions for Medicaid women who have been raped (one of the criteria) is the real problem. What would it take to make you folks quit yapping about this issue, a total ban on federal money? The big stink made about offering birth control options, not just abortion in the federal insurance exchanges far exceeds the estimated $1 cost-per-head factor for this provision. Although I think it is immoral to prevent poor women from seeking birth control options which are legal, I believe the rational and generous people of this country will rise to their aid through contributions to Planned Parenthood and women's health organizations. Of course I know the right wingers will still flail away state-by-state (I reported on this in a July article for an east coast distribution and in my November blog about state appeals to the health care reform mandates) attempting to demonize women who seek medical procedures for which they do not agree. We can at least aspire to have a more effective and civilized national conversation about resource allocations.
Current focus on re-defining rape is actually part of the Republican Agenda in Congress
It would be nice if the vagina control police would spend less time defining what constitutes the a rape of a female, thereby qualifying her for federal funding for an abortion under the tan-your-Hyde Amendment, and focus on delivering cost effective primary care to everyone. The discussions on whether drug or alcohol induced sex with an incapacitated female constitute rape are too prurient for this voter. To say nothing of the “men's room chats” about redefining what is considered incest in the case of sexual intercourse. In other words if your uncle coerces his thirteen-year-old-niece to have sex with him and she gets pregnant that may not be considered rape unless other physical violence was involved (barring rape or incest the girl would not be eligible for a federally paid abortion). Also, since when are thirteen year-old girls women? The marginalizing of women in America is in full force, what is next, wearing burkas?
This article was written by Roberta E. Winter, MHA, MPA a health policy analyst and independent journalist and may be reprinted with her permission.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
8 Steps Start Business
Hello my friend! Apakabar today?
I have one question for you. Have you become an entrepreneur?
If the answer is not, do not you get discouraged, because where there's a will there's definitely the way.
Indeed many people say "life is difficult at this time". Amid global competition is so tight, plus the soaring costs of basic needs of an increasingly expensive, until chili did not want to miss, the price to exceed rasanya.Sampai someone say "the characteristics of the rich in Indonesia is now not have any cards keredit , and drove but the rich in Indonesia's character is someone who in his teeth there cabenya seeds.
Are we still just contemplate the situation?
Remove far away despair, do not have the thought "yes ngono ngono" keep trying for those who already own a business, and attempted to start a business do not have.
For those of you who want to start a business, I've got good tips that I learned from the tabloid nova entitled 8 steps starting business please read and glory.
8 Steps Start Business
1. Stop thinking, a time will come one's 'golden spoon' contains the idea. So find the idea of entrepreneurship what, who the prospective customers, and how to run the venture.
2.Temukan what you want to sell, then offer a variety of ways and media. Currently, the trend through an online media or social networking.
3. Do not hesitate to learn! Every time you start a business, all obstacles will come. Learn from yourself, others, or books.
4. Prepare mentally steel. If the business that pioneered forced to fall so that it can stand up and try it kembali.Kecewa reasonable, but do not despair.
5. Nothing wrong with making some effort at once. In the end there will be (at least) one that works. But if it fails, must still remember, entrepreneurship is not a profession, but a carg of view. By continuing to remember it, there will be no shame if that pioneered the business failed.
6. Everyone will surely have a different answer when talking about venture capital. To note: how much money will be lost in the interweave venture.
7. When his efforts bersekala households, would be better if it made financial planning early. The first rule, separate between business finances with personal finances or household. Do not underestimate the accounting or bookkeeping so that when the business grew, the transition will not be too heavy.
8. Do not look down upon the employee. If all become entrepreneurs, who will become employees? Not necessarily those who have bernghasilan effort will be greater than the employees.
Okay buddy apparently only just this once I can be
I have one question for you. Have you become an entrepreneur?
If the answer is not, do not you get discouraged, because where there's a will there's definitely the way.
Indeed many people say "life is difficult at this time". Amid global competition is so tight, plus the soaring costs of basic needs of an increasingly expensive, until chili did not want to miss, the price to exceed rasanya.Sampai someone say "the characteristics of the rich in Indonesia is now not have any cards keredit , and drove but the rich in Indonesia's character is someone who in his teeth there cabenya seeds.
Are we still just contemplate the situation?
Remove far away despair, do not have the thought "yes ngono ngono" keep trying for those who already own a business, and attempted to start a business do not have.
For those of you who want to start a business, I've got good tips that I learned from the tabloid nova entitled 8 steps starting business please read and glory.
8 Steps Start Business
1. Stop thinking, a time will come one's 'golden spoon' contains the idea. So find the idea of entrepreneurship what, who the prospective customers, and how to run the venture.
2.Temukan what you want to sell, then offer a variety of ways and media. Currently, the trend through an online media or social networking.
3. Do not hesitate to learn! Every time you start a business, all obstacles will come. Learn from yourself, others, or books.
4. Prepare mentally steel. If the business that pioneered forced to fall so that it can stand up and try it kembali.Kecewa reasonable, but do not despair.
5. Nothing wrong with making some effort at once. In the end there will be (at least) one that works. But if it fails, must still remember, entrepreneurship is not a profession, but a carg of view. By continuing to remember it, there will be no shame if that pioneered the business failed.
6. Everyone will surely have a different answer when talking about venture capital. To note: how much money will be lost in the interweave venture.
7. When his efforts bersekala households, would be better if it made financial planning early. The first rule, separate between business finances with personal finances or household. Do not underestimate the accounting or bookkeeping so that when the business grew, the transition will not be too heavy.
8. Do not look down upon the employee. If all become entrepreneurs, who will become employees? Not necessarily those who have bernghasilan effort will be greater than the employees.
Okay buddy apparently only just this once I can be
Monday, January 17, 2011
Perlukah Anda Merubah Karir ?
Rata-rata setiap orang pernah mengalami perubahan karir didalam kehidupannya. Umumnya tiga sampai lima kali. Salah satu alasannya karena orang sering tidak menyadari dengan pilihan yang diambil. Bukan suatu jaminan bila keputusan yang telah diberitahukan mengenai karir Anda, merupakan cara terbaik untuk membantu memastikan bahwa karir pilihan Anda adalah yang paling tepat bagi Anda. Bahkan walaupun anda mengikuti seluruh langkah yang telah disarankan dan memilih karir yang tepat, tidaklah selalu merupakan pilhan terbaik bagi Anda untuk selamanya.
Berikut ini berapa alasan untuk mempertimbangkan meninggalkan pekerjaan yang sedang Anda geluti saat ini untuk karir yang baru.
Anda harus mempertimbangkan perubahan karir bila...
1. Status
Mungkin pada saat anda memulai karir , anda masih lajang sementara saat ini anda telah berkelarga.
2. Jadwal padat
Jadwal yang luar biasa padat atau frekuensi perjalanan bisnis yang tinggi yang memang merupakan bagian dari pekerjaan Anda mungkin sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan gaya hidup Anda yang baru. Anda harus mencari pekerjaan yang "sesuai bagi keluarga"
3Tidak berkembang
Pekerjaan Anda membuat anda tidak berkembang bahkn lebih buruk, tidak seperti yang dijanjikan saat anda baru memulai pekerjaan anda. Karena perubaahan keadaan teknolgi ,ekonomi atau industri di tempat anda bekerja, kesempatan berkembang tidak lagi menjanjikan. Anda harus mencari pekerjaan yang dapat membuat Anda berkembang dan maju.
4.Hilang semangat
Anda sudah tidak memiliki semangat kerja lagi. Dulu, pada saat Anda baru memulai pekerjaan Anda, Anda bersemangat setiap kali berangkat kerja. Perasaan itu sudah tidak ada lagi . Tidak ada sesuatu yang dapat memotivasi anda. Mungkin sudah saatnya bagi Anda untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang dapat membuat Anda bersemangat dan termotivasi.
Baiklah rekan netter kiranya hanya ini saja dulu yang dapat saya posting, semoga ada manfaatnya.
(sumber:tabloid nova)
salam sukses selalu,
Husein Pratama
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